Well big brother it is 2am and I can't seem to fall a sleep. I guess you and Terry are on my mind alot. I thought I would be done with this by now, but I am not. They say it gets easer with time, when is that time going to be for me. I don't worry about where ur at, I know ur flying high in Heaven with the other angels. Today I ran across some photos of the funeral. And I suppose that is why I'm thinking about u so much. You know when I see a white chevy it still makes me think about what you wanted before u died, a white chevy truck. Stay with all of us and help us realize why u needed to go. There are other people out there who should of gone before u. Everyone tells me that God needed you more up there then He did down here, but I don't understand why He chooses to leave the ones here who are misarable and make everyone around them the same way. There are some down here who are ready to live this world but He keeps them here forever. David says its because they need to learn a lesson and have not done so yet. I just call it crual. What about the ones who try to take their lives, they live on knowing that some one will come to their rescue. I have a lot of questions, but no answers. Or at least God has given me none. I don't blame God I just don't understand why? The tree in the front yard is named after u and Terry it is Boberry. It is growing real tall every day. When it rains I think that is you and Terry crying to let me know that you are there and always close to my heart. The two of you will always be close to my heart. I just wish I would of done more seeing the two of u while u were down here instead of holding you close to my heart once you two are gone. But that was my mistake and I am hoping with the rest of the family I can make it up to them. I have not talked to Terri in a long while, I'm letting you down because I was going to call her at least once a week, but my problem is I don't know when she is not busy. I know she has a second job, and I know because of it she has alot of other things she has to do, work does take up a persons time. Well Bob there are a few things I need answered can you please go to God and ask Him to help me throught them, you and God know what they are. First I am going to MO. on Weds. please help us make it there, the other two or personal. Love you forever, u are forever in my heart and on my mind.
Your sister Trina