Hey big brother, We went and saw u on Sunday and Monday. We were there to put a flag up for Terry. I know he did not fight in the war or anything but u and him deserve to be considered heros by someone if not for anything other then for the men u were to ur family and friends. I miss u and everyday when I wake up, and everynight before I go to bed I thank God for letting me have two brothers like the two of u. I never know what I had until I lost u and Terry. I know I can't go back into the past and I know that u are gone, but never from my heart or memories. I wish I would of told u all the things I never got to tell u. Like how strong of a person u were, how u deserved the best that life could give u, u were always there for ur children, u never had an enemy and for the most part everyone who meet u loved u. You were truly the life of the party and u made sure of it! Where u are now u are still the life of the party I bet. Why hell, I'm surprised u have not overthrown Jesus yet or at least tried. (HA HA)!!! I never thanked u for the things u did for me, or got to tell u thank u for not being mad at me when Karen and I went behind ur back and talked to Albert about u being on hospice. We really thought we were trying to help. Anyone else besides u Bob would of been ticked off beyond measure. I know now u are laughing at the two of us, but I also know that sometimes going with that gut feeling is the best. I wanted to make up for all the years that I was not around for u. I'm glad in the end Bob, that everything worked out. I'm not glad that it turned out u passed away two weeks later, if I had to do it again I would do it differently. And remember I told u that day when u told me u were going to tell them when u got closer to leaving I told u "Bob, what in the hell r u going to come down form the sky and say Albert I resign because I have pasted on to another world. Bob u need to face the cold hard truth that within the next few months or weeks u need to realize that ur sickness is not going away." I wish I was wrong, I wish that God would of healed u of that terrible sickness, but now we all have to face the truth our Robert, who we loved very much is not coming back and someway, somehow we must press on with out u here. For some of us it is difficult, for some it is a little easyer, but all in all we will be blue for a long time, we may never recover from this. I know Terri wishes she would die rather then live without u, Karen misses u alot, and Linda I think she just feels guilty, mom and dad really don't say much, but I know that it hurts them alot, everytime ur name is brought up mom just looks away, I suppose trying not to cry. Dad can't go to church without crying, heck ur name can't be brought up without the flood gates opening up, u were his "little Buddy"! I just sit here day after day and wish that I would of been around more often, or wish that I would of listened when Karen told me I needed to come and see u. u know us Tipton's we never listen to anything anyone has to tell us, but I try not to think about what I should of done, because I will never have that chance to do that and why look at what u should of done if u can't repair it. Yesterday when we were out there I said I have been out to see u more now then when u were alive. And I will continue I try to go and see u at least once a week, this last week u have seen me twice two days in a row. I sit and look at ur name plate and wonder if u were still here what would be going on in our lives now, would u still be taking chemo, would I have been talking to Terri, would u still beable to work, would u still be the same old Bob. , would u still be asking if I was with that asshole. I'm planning on getting an attorney next week to start divorce procedings. PLEASE BE WITH ME IN COURT EACH TIME I GO IN THERE! I need u, Terry, and most importantly I need Jesus to guide me through this. Thanks big brother for being there for me even when I did not see u were there protecting me and looking out for my best interest.
Love and hugs always,
Your little sister 4-ever